mein Blog zieht um

Ich bin gerade dabei meinen Blog umzuziehen. Ab demnächst wird mein Blog unter der Adresse erreichbar sein. Momentan bin ich noch beim konfigurieren und einstellen des neuen Blogs. Falls euch etwas auffällt was unter der neuen Adresse noch nicht funktioniert, bin ich für Kommentare dankbar!

Photos: Aquarium Berlin

Last week I went to the Aquarium in Berlin, what is fact a part of the Zoo Berlin they got a great collection of any kind of animals. In fact there are so presented in a way that makes it quite easy to take some nice shots. I only got a bit time as I also hat to work, but If you have some time and want to take some shots of far away animals the Aquarium might be worth a visit.

I did not edit any of this photos, I just uploaded the jpg’s as I got them out of my camera.













Pinholephotos in Bolivia and Peru

I just processed an old film I used last year in a self-made pinhole-camera. All photos are taken in Bolivia or Peru. As I have to scan and edit the negatives by my self I will take some time till I post them here. For now just a single photo I have taken back around Cusco in Peru:

Cusco ruins through a pinhole

Christian Morgenstern: Der Werwolf

Ein Werwolf eines Nachts entwich
von Weib und Kind und sich begab
an eines Dorfschullehrers Grab
und bat ihn: “Bitte, beuge mich!”

Der Dorfschulmeister stieg hinauf
auf seines Blechschilds Messingknauf
und sprach zum Wolf, der seine Pfoten
geduldig kreuzte vor dem Toten:

“Der Werwolf” – sprach der gute Mann,

“des Weswolfs, Genitiv sodann,
dem Wemwolf, Dativ, wie man’s nennt,
den Wenwolf, – damit hat’s ein End’.”

Dem Werwolf schmeichelten die Fälle,
er rollte seine Augenbälle.

“Indessen”, bat er, “füge doch
zur Einzahl auch die Mehrzahl noch!”

Der Dorfschulmeister aber mußte
gestehn, daß er von ihr nichts wußte.
Zwar Wölfe gäb’s in großer Schar,

doch “Wer” gäb’s nur im Singular.

Der Wolf erhob sich tränenblind –
er hatte ja doch Weib und Kind!!
Doch da er kein Gelehrter eben,
so schied er dankend und ergeben.



Das Gedicht steht unter der: Creative Commons „Namensnennung, nicht kommerziell, Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen“, und kann hier neben vielen weiteren Gedichten von Morgenstern gefunden werden:


Photos: Bärenquell-Brauerei

Berlin still has some beautiful old industries buildings from former times that still hasn’t been reused (yet). One of them is an old brewery where it took this photos:h
















The mines of Potosí – entrance to hell

In the mines of Potosí I took few nice shoots, but didn’t purplish then until now, because there is so much more Information that would be needed for the reader to understand the prominence of this unique place. I’m still to lazy to write about all this interesting town, so I’m writing down just few small facts:

The Town Potosí is married to its mines in the big Mountain Cerro Rico and its more than 300 mines. Now days no one really know how many mines there are, or even got a map of all the mines. Already the Incas where digging here for silver. In the 17th century it was the biggest and richest city in whole America (north and south!) and one of the biggest at the world, bigger than Rome or Madrid at this time. But the slaves and indigenous-workers called it the entrance to hell, the most of them died. The working conditions at this time have been even worst than today, and even today the mineras (often still children) are digging with their bare hands. No one know how many human died there, but there got so much silver out of this one mountain, that the worldwide silver-price dropped, and one of the first big inflation in Europa begun.

Nowadays the place is out of silver, but zinc, tin and other materials are still “worth” of digging. At the same time its quit easy for tourists to find a guide to visit this mines, but the conditions here are so tough, I was quite happy when we got out of this dusty transitions and its thin but unbelievably hot air.

Its more than interesting to read about Potosí, so if you got some time, just google around!












Advertisement in my blog :-(

When I showed a friend my blog on his computer I noted an advertisement banner. I’m quite unhappy about this, but unfortunately I can’t remove this with just one single click. As a lazy person I’m using the software WordPress for blogging in my case free hosted on the domain these free version of also needs to refinanced, and this happens by  advertising. I already was thinking to host my blog on my own server (costly), but till now I haven’t done this step, and will wait for this even longer, as I have different priorities right now.  Right now you just could install an adblock extension for your browser to enjoy my blog as it has been meant to be.

All this reminds me that I should once blog about adfree and privacy saving extensions for different browsers.